shrooms and microdosing

5 Things You Should Know About Mushrooms And Microdosing

Magic mushrooms have been used for recreational and spiritual purposes for centuries, and they have become popular in modern culture again. The users` reports found tiny doses of hallucinogenic shrooms efficient to stay energetic, concentrated, productive, and creative. Even though psilocybin doesn’t have approved medical use, studies investigated its potential to treat depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol and nicotine addictions, and other mental health conditions. In this article, we’ll introduce you to everything you need to know about magic mushrooms.

Essentials of shrooms and microdosing that you should be aware of

1. The chemical psilocybin

First, you need to understand that we are not talking about the usual mushrooms that you add to your soups or kinds of pasta. Magic mushrooms contain a substance called psilocybin that influences our brain changing world perception, emotions, and mood. This chemical can be derived from fresh or dried mushrooms that commonly grow in Mexico, South America, some regions of Asia, and Europe. There are around 200 psilocybin mushrooms that grow in the wild, and people typically consume them orally.

2. The appearance of magic mushrooms

If you decide to hunt shrooms in the wild, there is a high risk of picking the wrong type of mushrooms and poisoning yourself. How to know if you found magic mushrooms? Well, before you go for shroom hunting, make sure you get familiar with the main species of hallucinogenic mushrooms that grow in your area within a particular season of the year. 

Magic mushrooms commonly feature white or grayish stems, dark gills, and brown or golden caps. Furthermore, if you wonder how to know what type of magic mushrooms you have, check the appearance on the Internet. Even experienced hunters can sometimes make a mistake with recognition!

3. The effects of shrooms

Psilocybin chemical works to attach to the serotonin receptors, resulting in altering the brain and changing cognition, perception, and mood. The effects of shrooms come in 30 minutes after ingestion and tend to last from 4 to 6 hours. They concern hallucinations, increased peacefulness, euphoria, muscle weakness, yawning, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, lack of coordination, dilated pupils, and more.

4. Microdosing

Like with any other drug, a user takes a risk to overdose with the chemical psilocybin. However, microdosing tends to prevent taking too large dosage. This practice appears as taking tiny doses of shrooms over a determined period. Some people microdose according to the regular intervals or semi-regular intervals.

5. The potential risks

Multiple users ask how to know your magic mushrooms won’t kill you. Noways. You need to understand that hallucinogenic mushrooms aren’t for everyone. The common risks for consuming shrooms involve frightening hallucinations, flashbacks, nausea, increased anxiety, and paranoia. At the same time, results such as worsened mood, decreased energy, reduced focus, and increased anxiety might be associated with microdosing on psilocybin.